Attacking and Defending 4

  • Organisation

    Materials: Balls, bibs, goals, cones



  • Process

    This drill takes place in a limited playing field of 15x20m. The players are divided in two teams. The first group is positioned on the left side next to the goal, the other group on the right side (distance: 4-5m to the posts). The coach stands with the ball around 20-25m in the middle in front of the goal. The moment the coach passes the ball into the playing field the two first players of each group start. They sprint towards the ball: The one who is first on the ball is the forward and tries to score a goal in the 1:1 situation versus the defender. If the defender intercepts and is on the ball he passes to the coach and it is the turn of the next two players.

  • Tip

     - Mind the physical strain

    - If there is a second goalie this drill can be executed in two groups on two goals to avoid waiting times


    - Allow counterattacks of the defender after an interception

    - The first players of each group stand with the back towards the coach and wait for an acoustic signal to start (trains reaction and orientational ability)

Training Set

Progression, Main point, End


90 min


U07 - Men's / Women's


Ball control, Passing, Half-volley, Inside of the foot, Laces, Outside of the foot, Volley, Trapping


Player behavior, Wing play/Crossing


Quick anticipation, Quick processing


Speed endurance, Speed of movement off the ball, Speed of movement with ball, Leaping strength, Power & Speed

Training Organization

Number of Players

3 players - 8 players


1 goalie, 3 goalies

Form of Training

Game Systems, Group training, Individual training, Team training

Exercise level

Difficult, Easy, Intermediate

Spatial Behavior


Training Location

Indoor, Pitch

Author: Easy2Coach Database

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