4v4 with Goalkeepers

  • Organisation

    • 2 big goals

    • 4 cones to mark the playing field

  • Process

    The players are divided into teams and will play 4v4 games with unlimited touches.

    In addition, the players are only allowed to play low passes to each other.

    Instead of throw-ins, players will dribble the ball back into the field when it happens to go out of bounds.

  • Field size

    25 x 30 meters (double penalty box also possible)

Training Set

Main point


25 min


U12 - U13, Men's / Women's


One on one

Training Organization

Number of Players

8 players, 10 players


2 goalies

Form of Training

Group training

Exercise level

Exercise level

Spatial Behavior

Spatial Behavior

Training Location


Author: easy2coach Training

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