Rondo 4vs2 or 5vs2

  • Organisation

    3 stations 


    Flat cones /Discs 

  • Process

    4v2 or 5v2

    Players move along their lines in order to create a passing angle. Speed of play is important so a 2-touch limit should be imposed.

    Smaller grid size and 1-touch limit are natural progressions for more capable teams. Coach has balls ready in order to keep the game moving.

  • Tip

    Having 2 defenders poses an additional problem for the team in possession.

    Workrate and intelligence of movement have to be better in order to keep the ball. Players are no longer bound to their lines although the lines may be used by the coaches to explain how to change the passing angle.

    Idea: Helder Dos Santos Silva - Meizhou Football Association

  • Field size


Training Set

Main point


10 min


U14 - Men's / Women's


Ball control, Passing, Combinations, One touch passes

Training Organization

Number of Players

6 players - 22+ players

Form of Training

Group training, Team training

Exercise level


Training Location

Indoor, Pitch

Author: easy2coach Training

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